"With the group energy, I am always able to go deeper (and faster) than in an individual setting. What I have noticed (since the session) is a beautiful heart opening, lighter and softer heart, more vulnerable and open to expressing from that loving place. Since I desire to speak my truth through the power of my heart, I would consider this a huge success. "

Melinda Anderson

"The experience was very profound. "

Stephen Leslie

"I feel like there’s a little less chatter in my head. There’s sort of a calmness inside. I feel like I can hear my own voice more clearly. I really enjoy the group sessions. The feeling of “we’re all working on this together” and then hearing other people’s experiences feels … like a nice sense of human connection."

Kat Barron

"I feel so confident and strong after Friday's session. I feel so confident in you, Paula. I feel like I can let go and trust that all that needs to be taken care of will be. You hold the space for us perfectly and safely."


"The group energy surprised me. In private sessions I have never gone as deep.The experience of group hypnotherapy while still in the comfort of my own home was a gift. Hearing the experiences of others at the end of each session and feeling the energy from the other participants added to my own healing."

Michelle Coppola

"I noticed profound yet subtle shifts as soon as two days after the healing. I have less of an anxious need to control/grip tight and more trust in the universe."

"Anonymous, but grateful"

"I don't know that I have a sense about the group, except that it was powerful. If anyone is hesitant or wondering about participating in one, I just say do it! The results are measurable. Even months later. It is a way to be more receptive to the good waiting for you!"

Donielle Saxton

Are you ready for some freedom?

Click the video below and watch (at least) the first 20 minutes to learn more about Cellular Release Therapy, or watch the full presentation and witness a demo with Ari Hunniford, Founder of Awkwardly Zen, to see how the group healing sessions came to be!

From the video presentation above, an experiment was born. Throughout the summer of 2022, our Founder, Paula Robbins, conducted a study to see how effective the work of Cellular Release Therapy would be in a group setting and as you can see by the testimonials above, the results were significant! 

If you would like to experience the work of Cellular Release Therapy in a group setting that is affordable, synergistic, and highly effective click the link below and submit a request for a powerful group healing session.

Sunday, March 2, 2025 ~ From Procrastination to Productivity Sunday, April 6, 2025 ~ You Are Worthy Sunday, May 4, 2025 ~ Living Your Fullest Potential Sunday, June 1, 2025 ~ Connecting With Spirit Sunday, July 6, 2025 ~ From Stuck to Freedom Sunday, August 3, 2025 ~ Healing Difficulty With Injustice Sunday, September 7, 2025 ~ Healing Anxiety and Gaining Peace Sunday, October 5, 2025 ~ Finding Your Inner Warrior Sunday, November 2, 2025 ~ Balancing Body, Mind, Spirit Sunday, December 7, 2025 ~ Lucky, Gifted, and Favored

What is Cellular Release Therapy?

Simply spoken, Cellular Release Therapy (CRT) is a modality of hypnotherapy specifically created to help you let go at a very deep cellular level.

How often have you said to yourself, "I just need to get over this?" or been told by those close to you that "you just need to let it go"? Easier said than done, yes? 

With this work, the specialist is working with your subconscious mind and your soul to release difficult experiences, fears, core issues, performance blocks, and much more.

Specific Results

There are many amazing benefits and results from this work, but here is a list of a few...

Feeling "lighter" (because you've let go of some baggage)

Better sleep

Less anxious or stressed

More focused and productive

Responding versus reacting to experiences that used to be emotionally triggering.

Greater ability to be in the present, peacefully and gracefully.

What to expect in a CRT Group Healing Session??

You will attend the group sessions from the comfort of your own home. You find a quiet, private place where you can recline and you will be guided through the entire healing session by Paula Robbins. 

With a group session, you will experience the synergy of the other attendees that are all wishing to heal from the same topic and are also all sharing a synergy and energy of support and positive change with and for one another. If you read the testimonials, you'll see that it's a powerful experience that's affordable and transformative.


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