Welcome to Sunlit Pathways!
We are a close circle of peers and friends that have helped people in over 40 countries globally since 2009. We are all skilled in a variety of healing modalities, but the common technique that each specialist in our circle utilizes is Cellular Release Therapy™. This modality has amazing effectiveness in the healing and release of experiences from your past, as well as beliefs, fears or deeper core issues that may be impacting you at many levels. We have all experienced Cellular Release Therapy for much of our own healing and evolution and are deeply committed to helping others with the same shifts and deep transformation each of us has experienced over our many years of inner exploration and growth!
Testimonial from Paola
"Cellular Release Therapy has been one of the best investments in my healing journey. You don’t realize how much emotional baggage and trauma are stored in the body until you start releasing them. I feel calmer, healthier, and happier; something that everyone around me is noticing. Thank you, Paula, for guiding me through such a profound healing experience."
-Paola Xhuli

Cellular Release Therapy™ is one of the most effective healing techniques available today, and there are only a few practitioners who are certified in this modality. It is based on the fact that most of our experiences and memories are held at the cellular level and create effects that we are not always conscious of. When you release at the cellular level through a subconscious connection, you have gone to a much deeper level of clearing, and that is where a true shift can come. The use of this work is quite vast. To name a few of the uses:
Enables you to release the effects (both at a conscious and subconscious level) of emotionally charged experiences such as trauma or grief
Clear blocks around weight loss, relationship patterns, performance, prosperity, and much more…
Emotional clearing around physical conditions to support recovery and healing
Release fears and belief systems that are negatively affecting you
Clear negative self-talk and inner thoughts that hold you back from reaching goals
Clear habits and patterns that are aspects of many of the issues that affect our lives.
This work is done while the client is in a relaxed trance state and is a technique that deals directly with the subconscious mind through ideo-motor signals. The client does not need to speak during this type of work as the subconscious is doing all of the communicating through the use of hand signals.
For each client that we work with, we require an initial intake consultation. This 30-45 minute conversational meeting will allow you to discuss the goals you would like to achieve and for you and the specialist to customize a pathway for you specifically as to how those goals can be reached. This is a no-obligation conversation that will allow for you to make an educated decision as to if you wish to move forward to conducting sessions that will include Cellular Release Therapy™ and perhaps other modalities that will support your goals.

For each client that we work with, we require an initial intake consultation. This 30-45 minute conversational meeting will allow you to discuss the goals you would like to achieve and for you and the specialist to customize a pathway for you specifically as to how those goals can be reached. This is a no-obligation conversation that will allow for you to make an educated decision as to if you wish to move forward to conducting sessions that will include Cellular Release Therapy™ and perhaps other modalities that will support your goals.
To schedule your initial intake consultation, simply click on the “Add to Cart” link and process your payment and you will receive an email that will include a link to an electronic intake questionnaire. Once you complete and submit the e-form, a specialist will reach out to you via email to schedule your initial educational consultation.
Schedule an Emotional Healing Educational Consultation to discuss:
How traumatic experiences can contribute to or even cause physical conditions such as illness, disease, weight issues and/or emotionally reactive behaviors that are undesired.
How to use simple mind-body techniques to release and let go of emotional baggage so you can start to live on purpose and transform every aspect of your life.
- What Cellular Release Therapy™is and how is can help you heal and find more ease and freedom to achieve your goals.
100% confidential and individualized, with no obligation to move forward and purchase actual healing sessions. Consults are conducted via Skype or Zoom anywhere in the world for a 30-45 minute detailed conversation in which you will learn about Cellular Release Therapy™ and other healing and hypnotherapy modalities that can support you in reaching your goals and living a life of peace, joy, and freedom!

Our Founder, Paula Robbins, has a great love of seeing other's "light up" and has been in the work of helping others for over 30 years. While she mostly identifies with the title of “Metaphysician”, she has been called friend, healer, intuitive, career coach, mentor and many other titles she has been deeply honored to hold over these many years. She is a volunteer in many spiritual capacities, had a 16 year career in Corporate America and has worked in the healing arts/holistic health arena since 2007.
While her primary education is as a Transpersonal Hypnotherapist with specialty training in Cellular Release Therapy, Regression Therapy, and Spirit Releasement, Paula works with individuals and groups of all sizes using her inherent intuitive gifts as well as other applicable modalities to assist people as they achieve a healthier balance of the body, mind and spirit, which brings beautiful transformation.

Marianne Weigold is is a Transpersonal Hypnotherapist with specialty training and certification in Cellular Release Therapy, Core Transformation work, and Regression Therapy. Her work as a Healer began at a very young age and as she's gained in education and professional work with individuals, her gifts have grown and evolved deeply. She believes that each person is truly unique and that each session brings a unique healing understanding of the self that is Divinely guided by both the client's Inner Wisdom as well as her own Intuitive Guidance.
Healing begins with the quieting of mind and body. Slowing down to connect with the body and to listen to your inner wisdom allows for deep healing shifts in life perception. Each session with Marianne will focus on providing a safe and loving environment for personal transformation and healing to occur, allowing a connection to an inner knowing which facilitates a personal healing journey.

Smita Patel is a life coach and therapist with expertise in many different modalities, all supportive to creating a life free from limitations and unleashing your magnificence to own who you were born to be.
Smita’s own journey to living a more fulfilling life has been achieved through clearing the past including trauma and consequent negative beliefs and thinking, as well as working with her future-self to realise her potential and gain insight into what she needs to do to build a life she loves. This has been achieved by using the many modalities she offers as a specialist. She’s passionate about helping others to release the blocks they have, so they too can create a life without limitations and maximise their potential.
Smita uses Cellular Release Therapy, Heart of Elijah work, Future Life Progression, Past Life Regression, EFT & Matrix Reimprinting, Divinely Inspired Healing, Angelic Reiki, Pellowah, and is also a Master Coach.

Leanne McClain is a Transformational Healer and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, specializing in Cellular Release Hypnotherapy, and HeartMath Coaching. Her vision is to Empower YOU to heal your trauma, pain, disease, and any limiting beliefs that keep you stuck from changing habits, and healing relationships.
Leanne believes that her purpose is to contribute to the evolution of humanity by sharing her knowledge, experience, and intuitive gifts with as many people as possible. While working with Leanne, people are able to heal their physical, mental, energetic, spiritual, and mystical bodies.
"I believe that our purpose is to live an evolutionary life, and to aid human evolution, one consciousness at a time. It is imperative that we all heal from our past, and develop tools to live in our now and our future.
Additionally, to live a 100% Spiritual and 100% human life, we must develop a practice or a ritual that gives you time every day to go inward and listen to that still small voice within you."
"My journey with Cellular release therapy has made me so much of a more insightful and caring person. It is very true that you dont know what you dont know. And all of us have blind spots especially when it comes to correctly viewing ourself in objective light. What I did not realize is that I often resonated with a victim or rescuer story too much to be healthy. This hurt me in ways I could not see and impacted my adult relationships.
It may sound a bit woo woo to some to clear energy. But for me, it has made a vast and positive difference. I knew I had aspects of my shadow self that I had not met and continued to hide. I knew I had thought viruses that controlled my thoughts and did not let me have peace. CRT has helped me to become AWARE of areas that still need work, spiritual hygiene and TLC. Because really we never stop learning and growing.
Marianne has such a beautiful way of connecting with your spirit and clearing out the trash of the sprit and mind. I am so grateful for her and the work she has chosen to do. For the longest time I knew I had self work to do but did not know how to go about doing it. SO I just didn’t. Marianne and her gift of CRT has been that answer for me. I am so much more grounded, clear headed, less fearful and able to take personal accountability. Thank you and big hugs to Marianne."
Dr. Jessica Peatross, MD

Maureen McNamara is committed to people living beyond limitations and engages clients on a variety of levels. She uses a combination of energy work, healing work, coaching, and facilitation that truly allows you to unlock and release limitations.
Maureen is a professionally trained coach with Coaches Training Institute, an Intuitive Energy Healer, and she powerfully connects with clients to help them release limitation with Cellular Release Therapy™. She focuses on empowering people to live the lives they love.
Maureen has personally experienced extra-ordinary breakthroughs with Cellular Release Therapy™ and is thrilled to partner with clients as they release and clear limiting energy and beliefs, gain clarity, and create more ease and joy. Clients feel supported as they move through challenges with Maureen’s sense of joy, enthusiasm, humor, and kindness.
When not directly empowering people to release old patterns- Maureen may be getting her passport stamped, hiking with her fabulous dog, recruiting people to play Farkle and being mesmerized by the beauty of camp fires.

Melinda Jacobs has dedicated her life to helping people evolve.
Trained in Hypnotherapy, Bodywork, and Consciousness Theory/Metaphysics, Melinda has been working professionally in the healing arts since 1988. Her practice specializes in teaching people how to develop their natural awareness of the energetic and metaphysical world and how it interplays with one’s physical body, thoughts, emotions, and behavior. There is also a strong focus on building a relationship with lost and fractured pieces of self which is done through clearing trauma on all levels – mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.
As an empath and intuitive, there was always a strong insatiable desire to understand the invisible world of energy. She holds Certifications in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, Cellular Release Therapy, Regression Therapy, Yuen Method of Chinese Energetics, Matrix Energetics, and has done specialty training in addiction counseling and metaphysics. She is a Yoga Instructor and has been a Reiki Master for over 25 years. She is a member of the Colorado Association of Psychotherapists and Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.
The combination of a heightened sixth sense and these unique trainings has given Melinda a unique perspective on peoples’ internal and external relationships. Melinda will assist you in moving past difficult experiences and limiting thoughts, fears, and beliefs to achieve a more self-realized and fulfilling life.
“I started to see results from the hypnotherapy after the first session….” The most apparent effect is a feeling of lightness and calm. I no longer become as stressed and irritations don’t seem to affect me as much. I am a restaurant owner and so exposed to a lot of pressure as well as really delicious foods, but not always healthy options. I now find that I am no longer tempted by the foods which I know are not conducive to health and am able to naturally make choices in relation to healing my body and becoming more healthy. I am enjoying exercise, something which I previously had to push myself to do. I am becoming healthier, fitter and have more energy. Most importantly I am also becoming happier. I am noticing the patterns in my life which are not productive and which are now starting to dissolve. My relationships with the people around me are also becoming easier as I become more peaceful and connected.
Lisa Schindler – Avoca Beach, NSW, Australia

Jennifer Welch is passionate about personal evolutionary transformation and empowerment. She believes that living a whole, happy, and healthy life results from courageously being in tune with your inner world so that you live your life according to your truth. She has worked in the healing arts field since 1999 and has diverse training and experience that span the fields of psychology, polyvagal theory, somatic experiencing, music therapy, hypnotherapy, and Cellular Release therapy.
During your sessions with Jennifer, she will combine a variety of therapeutic and somatic practices that will support you to honor yourself more deeply, experience greater peace, release the pain of the past, and move into a place of personal power as you create your present and future.
As each person’s life experience is unique, you will find that Jennifer will honor and support your personal process. She is dedicated to providing client-centered services that lead you to a more satisfying, peaceful, and joyful experience of life. She is thrilled to be a part of the Sunlit Pathways team, and is excited to serve you!
“I can trust my intuition, and I’m more grounded within myself…” Since I began the Cellular Release Therapy™, there have been great changes for me: my self-image, my daily rhythm (I now normally have one) and eating / sleeping / TV / work habits, my wardrobe – or rather my clothing style etc. I am much more confident and open for new things because I feel I can trust my intuition, and I’m more grounded within myself. After over 10 years of psychotherapy, I could hardly believe how fast those “knots” popped, including some I still didn’t even know about, and it looks as though I could begin to come off my antidepressants this year. The best thing for me is that Paula helps (or guides) me to find and solve issues I didn't know were as prevalent, but I’m really the one who is doing it!
Katharina – Germany
"Finally, I am beginning to grasp why I am overweight. I have proven that I can withhold calories, exercise intensely, and even lose weight, but my subconscious beliefs are more powerful than my conscious will. Ever wonder why you ate that piece of candy, even though it wasn’t your intent? It’s because your subconscious has a different agenda. It is in this realm where my work needs to be done, before any eating lifestyle in the world will ever be good for me."
Leanne – Pinedale, WY, USA
“…I realized that my health issues were emotional at their core…” Paula and I have worked together to unearth the fundamental issues that have plagued me and have diminished their impact. I have found this to be a cathartic experience, not merely in terms of weight, but also just about life in general. My journey continues, of which weight loss is a part, but I am on the right road and have lost fat, increased muscle, and am happier in my skin in so many ways."
Jen – Canberra, Australia

“For 40 years I have struggled with weight issues.” I tried everything under the sun but my body just kept putting on the weight. It wasn’t until I found this healing modality that I found the answers. Weight was just a side effect of what was really happening. My body was trying to protect me from things that occurred from the moment that I was created. With Jennifer’s guidance this amazing therapy has allowed me to overcome an obstacle that was holding me back from living the life I wanted. For the very first time in my life I feel truly free and alive. My mind is clear of noise and clutter and I can finally enjoy just being. I can now feel how my body reacts and can head off negativity. I used to be one of the most cynical people that ever walked the face of the Earth. It was my coping mechanism. I no longer need to cope because the problems are gone. The past has been cleared away and the future lies ahead. The life I want to create.
Chris Edwards – Lawrence, Kansas