Sheesh... What a whirlwind of change this last three years has been...
Here's the timeline...
In May of 2018, I realized I'd found the love of my life after a year of casual friendship and we made our commitment to one another as a couple official.
In October of 2018, I get a short email from my best friend, of what would have been 36 years that year, that would be our last (reciprocal) exchange and the end of our friendship. The disbelief, bewilderment and grief is and has been the most brutal of my life.
In light of not taking anything else for granted, in June of 2019, I followed a long time intention of starting a membership/collective for "Light Minded" friends. I'd started it 14 years ago, but didn't really know my intention as clearly, so this time I created a model with connection, interviews and some pretty cool online courses too!
In August of 2019, I became a Grandma!! If you've followed me at all, you've seen that glorious little spark of LIGHT many times in my posts!
So, June 2019 through March of 2020, I was seeing my hypnotherapy clients, managing my second business (a global network of hypnotherapists), fostering/building the membership, healing, traveling as much as I could to stay close to my daughter and family and gratefully, falling more in love with my great guy...
Busy, busy, busy...but all good!
Covid hits in March of 2020...
My primary income of private/local clients comes all but too a halt... This alone is a huge shift for anyone. If it happened to you, you know. Our income affects a great many aspects of our life.
In May of 2020, I took a leap of faith and moved in with my beau, after empty nesting the previous five years. We have his kids, almost 16 and almost 12, half time. So, a huge adjustment to family mode, a full house and trying to recover my businesses.
In June of 2020, my mom goes into at-home hospice care...
Initially, my overwhelm was just purely unmanageable. It was all I could do to brush my teeth and surf social media...but it ended up being pure Divine Intervention.
I spent most of June 2020 living at my mom and dad’s house as her full time care giver and "walking her home". I would not have had this honor had all of the circumstances not aligned as they did... She transitioned knowing she was loved, sung to and cared for deeply. Her passing was more relief than sadness as she deeply suffered her last five years here. I love that she is held in light and is so. much. healthier now...but I miss her terribly.
Needless to say, there's been a lot of pondering, pontificating and processing many, many emotions on this roller coaster ride...
My practice recovered, mostly. My network is quiet, but stable. The membership isn't as full as I'd hoped, but it's still growing and I'm still pouring tons of heart into it, because I love the energy food it provides.
In June of this year, a little more clarity came and I'm a bit more grounded and settled. It occurred to me that I'm just working harder not smarter... One of my own messages, that I wasn't "walking"
So... I unified all three of my businesses into ONE and changed the name. My new business name is Sunlit Pathways! Sunlit is a name that I've loved for many years and now I see why and how to use it! The membership is one of the many "pathways" I wish to walk to help others in this world... (Take a look at my "about" and if you're inclined, I'd love your "like" to my pages.)
A whirlwind indeed...but here's where I stand today...
I love my home life. For the first time in my life, I live in a home that has two parents that like each other and some pretty healthy dynamics most of the time... I wanted this as a child and more so as I raised my own girls, but alas... I have it now...and it's good!
I love having adult children. I've loved every chapter of my daughter's lives, from birth to now and I'm not one that has ever said "stop growing". I've embraced each new phase and evolution... and to watch them as they navigate adulthood with the various components of relationships, spirituality, family, finances, facing their own inner work and growth. I am truly proud to be their mother.
To have a partner in life...finally...that I am deeply connected to, attracted to and that allows my depth of love AND reciprocates ALL of that...is beyond description. I knew it was out there. I guess I just had to wait to turn 50...lol. Or perhaps, until I loved myself enough. No matter the why...I'm grateful.
To have a vision of how to serve in the world that is focused and filled with not only clarity, but also a passion for being able to give back much of what has been given to me, is well...just cool.
So, while it's been quite a whirlwind... As life can be sometimes... I'm on my feet. My heart is light. There's still a few rocks in the road, still healing to do, but my feet just keep going...
I love how the path winds...
And I love being able to share it with you.
One step at a time, my friends...