Metaphysics and Politics election faith fear politics spirituality trust Nov 07, 2024

I have many conversations about metaphysics and spirituality every day, and the phrase "as above, so below" is commonly spoken. I often use the words "as within, so throughout."

What this means to me is that a great deal of our real, or outer, world is dictated by what we feel, believe, and emanate...

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What is an intuitive reading anyway? channeling divinity higher power hypnotherapy intuition intuitive reading metaphysical metaphysical fair psychic tarot Sep 11, 2024

What is an intuitive reading, anyway?

Last weekend, I was one of the live intuitive readers at the Awkwardly Zen Divine Time Metaphysical Fair. It was such a cool experience that I wanted to write a bit about intuition, live readings, and the honor of helping people in this way.

When I was a child...

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Roller Coasters and Rose Colored Glasses adapt faith flow fnd gratitude hope roller coaster stenosis trust May 23, 2024

We are just about halfway through 2024 and I feel like it’s been a pretty full year! I expect life's ups and downs, but what a roller coaster few months!

It started off with the buzz and excitement of planning my wedding. I loved the exchanges with all of my friends and family about the details of ...

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Letting Go to Hold On... Mar 26, 2024

Just over three weeks ago, on March 3rd, I married the man of my dreams. It was a beautiful wedding and just a total whirlwind of emotions, hugs, smiles, and many, many special moments! 

Now, if you’ve ever had a wedding (which my husband and I hadn't) you know that there’s a lot to it; From choo...

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7 End-of-the-Year Tips For Your Soul acceptance adapt catch and release connection focus kindness let it go light patience quiet time roll with it soul spirituality stretch time Dec 11, 2023

Every year I see a ton of articles, posts, and emails offering tips on how to “survive” the holidays. I feel that much of what is offered is well-intentioned and often truly helpful. So, it prompted me to share a few tips that have come to mind for me as we move through the holidays, the end of the ...

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The 1122 Tattoo Story angel numbers angels family grandmothers grief number meaning synchronicity tattoos Oct 25, 2023

I don't remember exactly when it started, but I know it was after my grandmother passed away in 1993 that I started to see 1122 literally everywhere. 

Now, if you've read any of my blogs you know that my grandmother was not only very important to me as a child, but still quite a bit so today. Her p...

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Remodels and Resets adaptation change membership remodel reset starting over Oct 11, 2023

Every time I go to write a blog, I’m often surprised at how long it’s been since my last one. So often I have this idea that I’ll write a blog every couple of weeks and then here we are several months later. I guess I just have to feel I have clarity about what I wish to put out there before I sit i...

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Powerlessness, Then and Now healing hypnotherapy inner work powerlessness recovery sobriety soul healing Mar 04, 2023

In a few days, I'll be holding another Cellular Release Therapy Group Healing Session. This session will be addressing the topic of powerlessness and lack of control. Since I added this topic to the mix, I’ve had a few engaging conversations about powerlessness that inspired some clicking away at my...

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Heavenly Helpers angels big picture loved protected spirit guides synchronicity Jun 05, 2022

Have you ever had one of those “close calls” in which you know things could have gone far worse, but in some way, you were protected or guided?

I have.


As I have reflected back over my life to the many times I was (what I reference as) graced, I really feel I cannot deny the presence of som...

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What do you take for granted? appreciation commitment forgiveness grandmothers gratitude grief loss love rose colored glasses taken for granted Apr 27, 2022

To start off this blog, I feel I should clarify what I think it means to take something or someone for granted. From my perspective, there are two ways to define this, one is fairly negative and the other positive.

When you hear the term, do you automatically think about how someone has taken advan...

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The ONE Key to Positive Change addiction alchoholism change forgiveness god healing positive change positivity recovery shift willingness Mar 30, 2022

Just after dinner last night, my Beau, his very wise 12-year-old daughter, and I discussed how some people grow up and become quite a bit like their parents and others grow up and are intentionally opposite. Then there are those that are a bit of both, consciously and subconsciously, which is where ...

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My Grandma, then and now 222 angel numbers angels doreen virtue grandma grief number meaning signs synchronicity Feb 22, 2022

Many people speak of seeing “signs” that feel synchronistic to them in a spiritual way. It’s one of my favorite conversations, as I have so many of these moments that I feel are Divinely Inspired myself.

One of the stories that I’ve told many times over the years led me to really explore the synchr...

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